Friday, April 30, 2010

Whisper words of wisdom

As I write this to be posted later I am sighting in Pasquel's car, with his friend Pasquel. I did not know these men an hour ago.

(the rest was written 8 days later)

I was waiting at the end of the road for a bus and none was coming. When this car slowed a fellow teacher asked them to give me a ride to Gitarama.

There were 2 men in the car, and a second teacher I know hopped in as well. We had a pleasant drive the 15 minutes into town, conversation mostly consisting of how I don't speak kinyarwanda.

The teacher was dropped and the driver and the Pasquels said they were going to Kigali and if I wanted a ride that far, I could have it, but they had to stop for a quick errand. Since I had seen my 3rd bad bus accident that morning, and thinking Rwanda is one of the most densely populated countries on earth, I said 'that would be great.'

As they ran their errand, I waited in the car and wondered if this was such a good idea. The Hotel California came on the stereo, and sin e it was in English and always makes me think of my cousin, I decided it was a sign that things were going to be fine. (when I told my mother later, she questioned this logic). The next song, the three of us were driving at this point, proved my sign: Imagine. And as I sung along and wondered at the words and if those dreamers had had their wish sooner and 'the world was one' maybe 1994 wouldn't have happened, a voice from the front seat joined in the singing as well.

Followed by Let it Be. I think John Lennon was smiling somewhere over how his music could bring people together...

shine until tomorrow; let it be.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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