There is a 2 week holiday in Rwanda to coincide with the Genocide Memorial week. And being outsiders, many expats choose to leave the country and not intrude on the national mourning. We joined this group.
On Thursday, the day following the Candlelight Vigil, we woke up at 5:00am to catch a bus to Kampala. The ride started uneventful- Kerry and Theo together and I had the window behind Jessica. About 3hours in, while I was sleeping a woman and her baby sat next to me.
As I continued to sleep for the next 2 hours, the almost perpetual breast feeding did not bother me. What did both me was when the mother changed the baby's diaper or rather just removed the diaper as the was not replacement. The removed diaper was hen folded and placed between us.
Disgusting? Yes. But not nearly as bad as when the baby had to relieve herself again, and did, on her mothers lap. It got better- the mother than started throwing up. And as Jess was awake in front of me that becam my cue to move to he row ahead.
We did arrive safely in Kampala, and other than my seat partner the 2 most interesting parts were when we drove into Uganda we switched from drivig on the right side to the left. And the second was crossing the equator.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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