Saturday, March 6, 2010

1 Month Later...

Can you believe I have been in Rwanda for a month? It seems like I just got here and I have been here forever, so i guess that would be about a month.

Homesickness usually sets in about this time, I've heard. It feels like so long that you've been here, the vacation feeling has worn off, and you are still here for another 9 months. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change what I'm doing but the novelty has worn off.

This week made it especially hard to be so far away. And while I don't need to go into that here, let's just say it's a challenge 'being there' for friends when you are 9,010 miles away. So that has lead me to create the list of:


1. Teddy. Teddy is and was called 'my little brown teddy bear' until I was 14, when he was given a real name of Teddy. He was given to me for my Christmas- 'a little teddy bear, for a little Rachel'. And has traveled with me on most adventures. Always in carry on lugage, so if something were to happen, he would be safe with me.

2. Lamby. Lamby is my stuffed lamb, about the same size as Teddy. Lamby came from Williamsburg and was given to me by my mother about 4 years ago because my name means 'little lamb'. Lamby has the same travel requirements as Teddy, and has already been to Europe.

3. My Linus Blanket. This December, when Mum unpacked the 'Charlie Brown Christmas Tree' that she got last year, complete with a single red ball ornament, I once again lamented not getting the Linus blanket when I saw it. It was so soft, and as a JV I just looked for an excuse to get it, but not knowing about the CBCT I didn't have it. 2 days before I left for Boston for my interview with Maranyundo, Dad gave me a Linus Blanket. It's so soft, and compact. And it is perfect when I am a little blue.

4. Chocolate. Philip introduced me to Sharffen Berger chocolate this winter, and wow. So I brought 6 bars with me. Have already eaten 3. But it is a much needed comfort food when candy bars are rather on the spendy side.

5. 50 pictures. I printed out about 50 pictures at walmart the day before I left, and within the first 48 hours they were put up. Friends, Family, My car, My cat, and the Sunset from Vonnie and Bob's... all familiar sites, and smiling faces so I can remember just how lucky I am to have such supportive people in my life.

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