Sunday, February 7, 2010

St Michael's

This morning my housemate jess and I attended mass at the cathedral. She and Kerry discovered last week that the kinyarwandan mass is at 11 and is 3 hours so we aimed for the 9 am English mass.

We arrived just at 9 and the first thing I noticed is what a simple church it is. A beautiful church but not exactly what I would expect in a cathedral.

Then I noticed the choir and the were beautiful. It was a joy to hear them, Which may be why every prayer was sung... Even the response to the petitions.

For those familiar with catholic mass- it was like a special occasion with incense and holy water sprinkling. But as my soul is rejoicing being here I didn't really mind. The readers announced the the reading, chapter and verses which was new to me.

The homily was also beautiful. Or rather the four omilies that were the homily were all very nice. The priest was very sincere Although a little long winded.

2 hours later I was wondering if we would finish in time for the 11am mass and we didn't. We were ten minutes over.

The best part was the same. Knowing my family would be sitting in their churhes in 7 hours, hearing what I heard and thinking of me made me feel like I'm not completely separated from them.

and if they are still snowed in then it's still the same.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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